Mantrachain circulation

OM supply

1,804,623,180 OM

Total minted coins on-chain

OM circulation

1,790,517,107 OM

Circulation = Supply - Locked Vesting Tokens - Locked Community Tokens - Unclaimed Staking Rewards - Unwithdrawn Validators Commission

Mantrachain vesting

Mantrachain VESTING POOL

946,795 OM

Locked Vesting Tokens

946,791 OM

0.05% of supply

Delivered to Investors

4 OM

0% of supply

Unlocking of OM tokens from vesting pool

Mantrachain accounts

Mantrachain accounts structure

Mantrachain accounts number

Mantrachain pools


0 OM

Locked Community Tokens

0 OM

0% of supply

Spent via Proposals

0 OM

0% of supply

Mantrachain STAKING POOL

532,756,600 OM

Bonded Tokens

531,310,348 OM

29.44% of supply

Not Bonded Tokens

1,446,252 OM

0.08% of supply


13,159,282 OM

Unclaimed Staking Rewards

13,137,521 OM

0.73% of supply

Unwithdrawn Validators Commission

21,761 OM

0% of supply