Agoric explorer

Bonded tokens

54.55% of supply

592,615,399 BLD

Not bonded tokens

2.86% of supply

31,021,911 BLD

Unbonding tokens

0.28% of supply

3,076,439 BLD

Unbonding period

21 days

Time before tokens gains liquidity

Agoric staking dynamics

Agoric unbonding map

Agoric staking APR

APR 7.65%

Based on rewards distribution

Agoric staking APY

APY 7.95%

Based on daily compounding

Real staking reward

RSR 3.76%

Reward − Actual inflation (3.89%)

Reward share in inflation

RSI 100/100

Stakers get 100% of emission

Agoric APR chart

Agoric inflation coded


Range [5-5%], Δ13/yr

Actual block time

6.05 seconds

6,311,520 blocks per year

Block emission


New coins per block, BLD

Annual provision


Yearly minting plan, BLD

Agoric inflation chart

Agoric emission chart

2024 © Blockchain explorer made by Daily DROP validator