Unification validators
# | Validator | Fee | Stakers | Total staked | 24h change | 7d change | 30d change |
1 | BigBossCapital undvaloper13wtxp8jp56cgv5s4llygear60u4jx08z88ylha XFUNDisLIFE active slashes (4) fee changed max fee risk | 15% | 55 1 | 5,841,426 FUND | 0 | -4,999 | -4,443 |
2 | Байкальский капитал undvaloper1yl2qed52k6vevw9a2ts9zjfgq6p5etcx5qxtp2 Специализирующаяся на Masternodes валидации/размещении в блокчейне, оптимизированная за счет управления энергоресурсами в Сибири active treasury choice never slashed fee changed max fee risk | 5% | 11 0 | 5,130,816 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | FUNDBaron undvaloper1yj09s0tngccqc6sf0v92nmcemr7zjhvpn9702p Proven, reliable, stable validator. Santé. active slashes (1) fee changed max fee risk | 5% | 265 1 | 4,319,849 FUND | 30 | 73,571 | 80,061 |
4 | Ringoshi undvaloper1fryf3lkxr3ptufnhqrek03e3vn38wz6ca5nyx6 active never slashed fee changed moniker changed | 5% | 77 1 | 3,183,337 FUND | 13 | 1,682 | 175,931 |
5 | ProFUNDity undvaloper103mfr6p3lky066lupyc3seh8rcpjn0j64zl7sf Very thought-provoking blocks. We take a 13% cut of all xFUND and distribute the rest proportional to stakes, giving even the smallest stakers access to xFUND! Please contact ProFUNDity.invest@gmail.com to confirm your stake and set up xFUND distribution to your wallet. unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) max fee risk | 3% | 48 0 | 3,028,326 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | Archimedes undvaloper1jcg96ke6lplr4r9p2dj4v4hnw7dcf5cs9stg9v active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 8 1 | 2,429,025 FUND | 0 | -100 | -100 |
6 | SatsangG undvaloper1hy95gced04wsdh67lxm6r5rsjchz9l9z2lzpgw active treasury choice never slashed fee changed max fee risk | 5% | 5 0 | 2,405,000 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | BerlinFUNDCrew undvaloper1vwx3xjjczj99jl2c7q3m8nwv9zessky0ke9cq0 active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 9% | 10 0 | 2,205,820 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | 漸江水 undvaloper12rq8u2267q3qqhcd74e8ahfmva0d4nndacgj04 active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 12% | 5 0 | 2,035,260 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
9 | xFUNDMRT undvaloper1n87tryt6z5nqeumc8qwt9xhk2fh3avzs06kgq5 active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 6% | 6 0 | 1,925,509 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | Chainmasters undvaloper16hten3u6gqcu30t2rrt8e8ayn8690he0x9zzs6 Blocks Must Go On active slashes (6) | 20% | 35 0 | 1,766,008 FUND | 0 | 68,900 | 241,548 |
11 | Serenity undvaloper16vt27tkaprtzs5gqt6t9xhan2f90lktrr02v05 You can't take the sky from me active treasury choice slashes (1) max fee risk | 5% | 10 1 | 1,620,097 FUND | 0 | -100 | -100 |
12 | XFUND4EVER undvaloper1u8czkjqx2tfu6y6t968uk94lvtpdnnzejm3up7 active slashes (1) max fee risk greedy validator | 40% | 6 0 | 1,238,001 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
13 | Shib Army undvaloper1gmd59w8xaxamev9488ygq6srlp727574p8x5fn A decentralized meme token that evolved into a vibrant ecosystem unbonded jailed validator treasury choice slashes (1) fee changed | 5% | 55 1 | 1,078,692 FUND | 0 | -500 | -500 |
13 | rebirth undvaloper13psclh7a5cz28dytu5qafzp759nygdlgngh8pk active treasury choice slashes (6) fee changed max fee risk | 20% | 6 0 | 1,017,866 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
14 | Iceman undvaloper19vv6xz7aeef5539xhmtdqn9frrzxjypujw90pe active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 5 0 | 1,003,051 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | Silverbullet undvaloper1jx6svpjdexvqw4x39ffawyxcue92l7wpz5d6kq active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 5 0 | 1,000,360 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
16 | Rielcoin.io undvaloper1m6uy0emmqs6kv9phyt5wyqyv3q2n4lv6tmzwqc Rielcoin.io active slashes (2) max fee risk | 7% | 6 0 | 958,433 FUND | 0 | 0 | 362 |
17 | MediaRally undvaloper1mdwfcchqc2jrm7swzkgey9d4u4umv9xvfyl4gt active treasury choice never slashed fee changed max fee risk | 5% | 5 0 | 875,584 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
18 | GALAXYStar undvaloper1eaak68w6kwcgdyw6hdhkjed97mpayhar0jx5wy active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 4 0 | 725,478 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
19 | FUNDLatam undvaloper1ph28suf3e24tg6chy0ww63g68gqemjjgfch300 We are FUNDLatam, Latin America first FUND validator! Our goal is to bring Unification to the spanish-speaking community. active slashes (2) fee changed | 5% | 32 0 | 699,398 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
20 | FUND-Family undvaloper18clcgl90cs99yt4zrzxj9dyf0dsd343fklkuzl FUND-Family unbonding jailed validator slashes (5) max fee risk | 7% | 53 0 | 602,772 FUND | 0 | -60 | 590 |
20 | FUND THAILAND undvaloper10x8wj7trth9f5ma2f3wkrptwnys4squvsc00kt Delegate to FUNDThailand or launch your own Validator with this guide, shorturl.at/hqwGQ active unbondings fee changed moniker changed max fee risk | 5% | 33 0 | 563,144 FUND | 0 | 0 | 227 |
21 | FUNDManiac undvaloper1sul6du48nnj4nd7x0u9j70ndd2l4r8qnt9zwks FUNDManiac active treasury choice slashes (7) fee changed max fee risk greedy validator | 50% | 8 0 | 375,989 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
22 | CIVians undvaloper10rrwge9erexjwqs52k4cagz6m8x68jutua4e64 The World's First Fully Decentralized Investment Fund unbonded jailed validator slashes (3) | 5% | 23 0 | 362,486 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
22 | CryptoSniper undvaloper15vh69rugyjg4d7j0s0xt2jsqjlnng5x5hlm4wj active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 3 0 | 335,002 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
23 | Helium undvaloper1upzz8khp7asydr698uyzg3404sjg77uways754 active never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 3 0 | 250,200 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
24 | Xhosa undvaloper1txytup3dk59xckd0ft9uk4qq0re3422hqfhfu8 active never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 1 0 | 250,000 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25 | DigitalFarmlandxAtlantisLabsLLC undvaloper1l8mtctswtccd8qgunxm29mr0hpfm323tsfaedj We are a service provider that offers infrastructure and support for hosting and maintaining blockchain nodes for the Digital Farmland community together with Atlantis Labs LLC. unbonded jailed validator treasury choice slashes (10) fee changed | 5% | 24 0 | 119,671 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25 | Earn Network undvaloper13ak0m4m9ztckamkzlmwrvm66xd0j5cdx6h3ky5 unbonded jailed validator treasury choice slashes (2) fee changed moniker changed | 5% | 7 0 | 100,017 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25 | Validator.cc undvaloper1pxhatlprv9344pjqr4ncuxpse6qyldr02p2jc4 Reliable node with fixed rate (no increase). unbonded jailed validator never slashed | 5% | 22 0 | 71,374 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25 | FUNDMAGNUM undvaloper1xq66alczgscm8yxrlymcklw23eztv7rvgmmpdn Best Fund managers & Validator unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 5% | 2 0 | 35,547 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25 | ChainTools undvaloper15e2jq7q6chpfqud3lclml58hu0dmd7qa06ezmk STAKE | LEARN | EARN | Delegate to our validators and dive into blockchain technology with us. active never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 14 0 | 32,096 FUND | 9 | 3,391 | 3,594 |
26 | Gridtek.com undvaloper1j6k8fm9ft0d070ap2xmaczpnjg4nr426s7duea Gridtek is focused on simplifying the Crypto Market so that we speak one language. unbonded jailed validator slashes (2) max fee risk | 5% | 2 0 | 31,998 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | COACHK undvaloper17fr59cyxydm0fnyvgaqsghkwsuup8wu36h7d9u unbonded jailed validator never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 27 0 | 30,879 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | MasterFUND undvaloper1zph5szam4tlq5e80ud0fmmpyy4zqrmnvs9vrv7 We take the LOWEST commission of all nodes | Unification Staking Guide | https://medium.com/@jayjay4334/unification-staking-guide-2df4b55755b5 unbonded jailed validator never slashed max fee risk | 3% | 39 0 | 19,675 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | Bad Idea AI undvaloper1ryv3q0la7d8j68wufx6jnk90evwl5jlqx5j9rz Validator for Bad Idea AI unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 5% | 8 0 | 18,970 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | Classic49 undvaloper1hxjv5xlf8rn6elgcu6vu90wff22zvs2lnq4sya Contact me on https://keybase.io/lazlow unbonded jailed validator never slashed | 1% | 12 0 | 15,838 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | Stake It 'Til You Make It undvaloper15rj89gnj692s5rkg6s45zq2775qggg4cl2ve3n unbonded jailed validator never slashed max fee risk | 0.25% | 10 0 | 14,190 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
26 | reFUND undvaloper1k03uvkkzmtkvfedufaxft75yqdfkfgvgsgjfwa Auto-Compounding rewards enabled with REStake, 5% maximum commission. unbonded jailed validator slashes (2) | 5% | 38 0 | 5,927 FUND | 0 | -56,889 | -269,485 |
26 | robinD undvaloper1c2zpxstskf4vau7tkyj607j4rkun2uj8khcxal Here for the xFund unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 2% | 10 0 | 5,612 FUND | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Unification delegators
Unification TOP-100 stakers
TOP-100 staking accounts controls 100% of voting power in Unification network
Active delegations
Unbonding delegations