Jackal explorer

Bonded tokens

77.87% of supply

118,470,101 JKL

Not bonded tokens

1.29% of supply

1,964,441 JKL

Unbonding tokens

0.78% of supply

1,192,297 JKL

Unbonding period

14 days

Time before tokens gains liquidity

Jackal staking dynamics

Jackal unbonding map

Jackal staking APR

APR 12.72%

Based on rewards distribution

Jackal staking APY

APY 13.56%

Based on daily compounding

Real staking reward

RSR -6.1%

Reward − Actual inflation (18.82%)

Reward share in inflation

RSI 53/100

Stakers get 52.63% of emission

Jackal APR chart

Jackal inflation


Actual inflation

Actual block time

5.76 seconds

5,470,586 blocks per year

Block emission


New coins per block, JKL

Annual provision


Yearly minting plan, JKL

2024 © Blockchain explorer made by Daily DROP validator