Sidechain validators
# | Validator | Fee | Stakers | Total staked | 24h change | 7d change | 30d change |
1 | 🐠f2pool sidevaloper1qqgsc9gfrqfsyrgtp5wpjqgkqct3cqq4rq8pj9cspcgszzqtzv2ssmdxyv7 f2pool is the world's leading crypto mining pool, securing Bitcoin and other PoW networks since 2013. active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 305 16 | 29,498,718 SIDE | 10,999,250 | 11,027,944 | - |
2 | ANTPOOL sidevaloper1qq8pkzqjryzpgqsgqq9s7rgvzuypcycdp5qpgzqczyfpw8s2py9s75fwvqg active treasury choice unbondings fee changed | 10% | 116 5 | 28,840,380 SIDE | 11,000,000 | 11,021,063 | - |
3 | SpiderPool sidevaloper1fagate8am0tc0lvqdaw2w3ke5xkdwdcs5jhsslu6qfwgzsnztmaqpsqhef SpiderPool Validator active treasury choice unbondings | 10% | 108 3 | 27,336,389 SIDE | 11,000,000 | 10,997,388 | - |
4 | ViaBTC Capital sidevaloper1qqwpwrc0qs0pvrc6rvrsxrc2p583vqstpgdqxxsmzgp3y9gfpvqp7srxm9c ViaBTC Capital, the investment arm of ViaBTC Group, focuses on Bitcoin and emerging blockchain ecosystems.
Leveraging our expertise, we provide capital and post-investment support to startups and innovative projects, aiming to be a leading investor in the blockchain space. active treasury choice slashes (1) | 5% | 100 18 | 27,305,803 SIDE | 10,999,255 | 11,007,260 | - |
5 | NodeStake sidevaloper1qqt3u8qvrsrpwzgcrugsw8gsq523kxsypv8su9qhpudsuqsqrg2sjr5l65n NodeStake is the professional validator, infrastructure provider and IBC relayer. ⚛️7*24h Services | active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 1574 120 | 18,669,771 SIDE | 6,599,243 | 6,697,766 | - |
6 | Stakecito sidevaloper1t3gs0axkeea7003eqh5h2p7z3smjfut9dfxhhhaw0d83wmzlatksvudrtf Securing & Decentralizing PoS Networks. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 904 13 | 18,222,527 SIDE | 6,599,710 | 6,602,174 | - |
7 | S16 Research Ventures sidevaloper1qqrqgygnryxsuzg6p5v3uqgeqsg3vrc4zvzqv8g7qyzpgqc9qsgqzvrcsv4 A validator since Cosmos genesis block active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 126 6 | 17,585,735 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,096 | - |
8 | Allnodes sidevaloper1qqz3wps5pqyqjpq3zsf3jqgerufp6rq3pyr36yqarc9qvqsyqsyps93l6pl Reliable non-custodial Validator run by the industry leader - Allnodes active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 134 9 | 17,562,888 SIDE | 6,599,843 | 6,587,122 | - |
9 | DSRV sidevaloper1qqy3sqqmpv83xqcfry8qvyqazvqp6qqgru23y9q2q52swxggqg8sya58uzu DSRV is an integrated blockchain solutions company with the mission of enriching the crypto ecosystem via stronger connectivity. We strive to be your gateway to a suite of all-comprehensive blockchain services. Everything distributed, served complete. active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 34 1 | 17,534,940 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,000 | - |
10 | sidevaloper1qqzsczccpvyscrgyps93gqcgpg2qqxquqvp3szcaqcppuqslqqxpqhla0z4 100% refund on downtime slashing -- Professional Delegated Proof-of-Stake Network Validator active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 273 2 | 17,528,149 SIDE | 6,600,001 | 6,606,771 | - |
11 | Lavender.Five Nodes 🐝 sidevaloper1qqfsuxcjpuyp6rc3zu93zxsnpct3qqsyzggpsyq7qvvpjxsfr5vsst8tjwv Fortifying crypto networks with Horcrux security, slash insurance, and open source contributions. Connect with us at active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 257 2 | 17,512,168 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,601,113 | - |
12 | Nodes.Guru sidevaloper1xh3w4pauwg4vuxy6xe4tklxyu40sz8x87w2w5hrnt0t96nwjd77sh5xly6 Guru of non-custodial staking. Professional node running, low fees, best uptime and 24/7 customer support. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 185 4 | 17,495,462 SIDE | 6,599,300 | 6,599,473 | - |
13 | sidevaloper1l90rhzz8tka095tpvhjgzamvsvxyqhu34e9335l9npy2zx83lmcq9y82l7 Polkachu is the trusted staking service provider for blockchain projects. 100% refund for downtime slash. Contact us at active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 132 3 | 17,494,159 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,601,858 | - |
14 | 01node sidevaloper1qqt3vqqnzsw3w8cxp5g35psjzy03wqg3rcgqkrcmqyy3y9c2qyyqk95tcs0 Securely validating one block at a time since 2019 active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 98 3 | 17,484,297 SIDE | 6,599,460 | 6,599,468 | - |
15 | Enigma sidevaloper1qq9sg8qdrsg3cqshrqd3j8q2rygqq8ssrq83wxqupq8pj8q7qcpq2kja56l Highly secure professional validator across 40+ chains - offering a full refund for any downtime slashing - Reach out to us at active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 83 2 | 17,466,797 SIDE | 6,600,002 | 6,600,017 | - |
16 | HashKey Cloud sidevaloper1qqwqursez5x3xygyzg8pu9scruzs59qsqcxpqqqepy2qyrckzypqg2x25v5 Cloud for WEB3 More Than Staking active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 107 2 | 17,463,747 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,506 | - |
17 | sidevaloper1qq9qjpswp5t3j9c8pq93xrc7zsysqpq6r5dqvpczpqz3yzqfrqwsc0aalqh is a multi-asset non-custodial staking platform that lets anyone become a part of decentralized infrastructure and earn passive income. Stake with our nodes or any other validator across multiple networks in a few clicks active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 131 2 | 17,462,638 SIDE | 6,600,002 | 6,600,821 | - |
18 | Swiss Staking sidevaloper1qq0q7rs7r5vszqcxruw3xpq8zsr3cqc9p5f3wqs7pgf3s9szrsw3uancea9 Swiss Staking is trusted by 50,000+ unqiue addresses and known for top-notch protection security and reliability. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 51 1 | 17,448,318 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,000 | - |
19 | ContributionDAO sidevaloper1qqxpuycmzy2py9qcpu23u8cdp5r3spgsr5wpw9caqvfpxzg6rgz32ljx7ed Secure Network with Institutional-Grade Solution active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 18 0 | 17,437,107 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,000 | - |
20 | Ping Pub sidevaloper1qqr3wzgzqvpqxycjzyr3kzcequxskxqxzydsjqgeqygq2xqxqgtpuaaajmf Ping Dashboard is a light explorer for Cosmos-based Blockchains. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 30 1 | 17,415,250 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,029 | - |
21 | kingnodes 👑 sidevaloper1qqw35zssqyq3qyccqgzss8grzyppzqsgr5r37zsapvvpszqrqvtsg7t7wpw Professional PoS validator. Join our community of delegators Telegram: Twitter: active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 28 1 | 17,415,150 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,000 | - |
22 | Informal Systems sidevaloper1qqd3srcjqqg3yqswzy8qc8gmrcw3wpgmpg2p7psgrvq3czc7pqysjqk5cpg Informal Systems - infrastructure for decentralized intelligence active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 32 3 | 17,412,068 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,599,773 | - |
23 | InfStones sidevaloper1qqzqwqqczcvs7xqeqvqsgqc7rvwqc8ctpcvs7ygprv03cqc0zypp69p008a The Ultimate Web 3 Infrastructure Platform active treasury choice unbondings max fee risk | 5% | 21 1 | 17,406,076 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,000 | - |
24 | Kahuna sidevaloper1qqtqk9q8rv9q5ycwpyxq79qfryd3x8slzq932qs3qcppgxsqqqzqcvhndpv Secure Side Protocol and delegate with us. Kahuna is a tech-focused investment firm dedicated to Blockchain Infrastructure, DeFi, and Gaming startups. Follow us on active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 21 2 | 17,404,962 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,001 | - |
25 | JRR Crypto sidevaloper1qqtqj8q3z5rscyqcpyfqxpqmrct3u9qlpspqxrsyqqq32qggrqzs6xjcv0d JRR Crypto is a blockchain investment group specializing in incubators, consulting, investment banking, funds, media, trading, and asset management. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 8 0 | 17,400,368 SIDE | 6,600,000 | 6,600,000 | - |
26 | CoinSummer Labs sidevaloper1qqdp6pgpzcpp29gzruvpyzgsqv0qzpg7z5psq8gnqyf3jrqnqct3gd0ss0v Backed by crypto-native degens, CoinSummer is a trusted liquidity provider, staking validator, and AVS operator supporting the crypto and DeFi evolution. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 8 0 | 14,500,306 SIDE | 8,000,000 | 8,000,000 | - |
27 | Kleomedes sidevaloper1qqzsvrq4zswpw9c0psrpjzcwzgg3vxqnzq0pc8qxp5gsv9c7zqvqss0l6f9 The First Community Governed Validator in the Cosmos 🪐 active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 6,000,005 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
28 | POSTHUMAN|Stakedrop sidevaloper1qqwp68scpqz3qrq3ru8p5rsuzsy3w9caqgqp2zchpqf32zsdqgt3z75w685 Stake to get Airdrops and 🧬 100% slashing protection ⚛️ active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 273 6 | 5,169,333 SIDE | 9 | 40,499 | - |
29 | Staketab sidevaloper1qq0pkzghzcvsz8qwzcqq6xs6rv8qwxctzyzqq8shzy9qu8qhrcgsq8gftvt Professional staking provider offering infrastructure solutions for the Web3 ecosystem. Our experience in developing Web3 services since 2017 enables us to create best-in-class, data-rich products for each customer. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 9 0 | 5,077,042 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
30 | Provalidator sidevaloper1qqxqgysyryrpczcyzcqs29g7rg235rshpgf3x8g6rudpcpsyzgyqcpp9mj2 Supporting Blockchain Infrastructure active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 34 0 | 5,073,288 SIDE | 1 | 9 | - |
31 | ITRocket sidevaloper1j0vppsdmf4t2xf3xjpx078vn2yryll579gpq4yhkas2xcxc4n7rq8uedtu Trusted Validator & Interchain Utility Provider active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 13 0 | 5,070,686 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
32 | StingRay sidevaloper1qq0sx9cjpgvskxgxp5wsjqqvzgdquqcvrsp3yrgnqqfp2rcvqg0qkhp0jju Reliable Proof-of-Stake Validator active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 7 0 | 5,067,447 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
33 | 🌐 KysenPool sidevaloper1qq9q5yghr50qkxq3rugpcyqgzsy32psypu9sk8g5ru23q9cepg9scv0hvy8 Unlock the Power of Staking with Our Trusted Blockchain Infrastructure Services active treasury choice never slashed | 9% | 5 0 | 5,067,011 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
34 | Silk Nodes sidevaloper1qqrsy8g8pc8syxsfrs8s2qsnpgzqjxqupug3xpsszuq3gps5qsg3zkad9mg Silk Nodes pride ourselves on being 100% bare metal validators, running our own infrastructure to validate the chains we are active on, we are also proud to say we run IBC relayer nodes to help support the networks. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 12 0 | 5,066,289 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
35 | MantiCore sidevaloper1qqv3ypqpquz3q8qtpgq32xqmrvxs5zs8qvxqc8q2rsqsuycfpc0szstwwmj Secure and reliable individual PoS/PoW validator. Best uptime and 24/7 support. active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 5 0 | 5,065,782 SIDE | 0 | 2,930 | - |
36 | NakoTurk sidevaloper1dhzsvcwty49v0vvtlhwep5fa85zx0np34w4nhet5295awlnjfl2sh2d5cq Validator | Node Runner | Crypto and Blockchain Enthusiast active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 47 3 | 5,065,460 SIDE | 0 | 400 | - |
37 | Decentrio sidevaloper1qq23szsxrsw3zxserv8379gazqdpvygmqv9s6qs5p5x3u8cpzsqq64tjr4d active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 7 0 | 5,064,358 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
38 | AM Solutions 🪐 sidevaloper1qqrp7yggqv8qxpcgqy0syqc0ruy3jyg5r50qq9gnzcqq5rcwzs23zaxqqdj The most important is - reliability. active treasury choice slashes (1) moniker changed | 5% | 3 0 | 5,063,060 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
39 | TrustedPoint sidevaloper1qqz37rg0zg93q8cjzv0pqpgyqqz36xg6py8pcxqmqug3kqsur59psjuvd2w Staking provider for PoS blockchains. We do ensure reliability, security and decentralization that are successfully backed by an experienced team, technically advanced community as well as dependable hosting providers. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 7 0 | 5,060,012 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
40 | 🦄 sidevaloper1qq0qx9sppyd359q2qggpupqmzv0q5ycsqgrsj8g6rugsk8c7qsfs2h7tz7u Trusted Proof of Stake validator across Cosmos universe. Active ecosystem contributor, IBC relayer and chain service provider since 2021. We deliver top-notch secure and reliable infrastructure for Cosmos projects. 24/7 monitoring with no slashing history in our track record. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 8 0 | 5,058,777 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
41 | HoodRun sidevaloper1qq9p5pszzufqjrsrrgqpyygkrcp3j9sspcy3c8s2zutpkrgpr52qjnxksef Discover and Unlock the HoodRun Advantage, We make the Staking Experience the fastest and safest active treasury choice never slashed | 7% | 17 0 | 5,003,664 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
42 | BlockPI sidevaloper1qqxq2rc2zsts6xqhpcpp7qqgps0pvzc3qyz3j9cxqg8p58quqs837338nr2 To infinity and beyond! active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 7 0 | 5,001,908 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
43 | BlockHunters 🎯 sidevaloper1mul0n4rcvucn24dkq0mydel2p9fdlhhufnfvvvuru242u30qpa8qff8fdl Hunt for the best stake. 🏹 active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 7 0 | 5,000,968 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
44 | LuckyResearch Labs sidevaloper1qqzp7yq5r58pwrclrsgsxyc6qggpjrgjpc8quxqvrgdqcrs9qc03qzsapzs Trusted POS Validator. Community Manager & Moderator, Ambassador. Stake with us! Generate a yield and your tokens stays on your wallet! Thank you active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 15 0 | 5,000,949 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
45 | Coinage x DAIC sidevaloper1qqp3qxglqywqgxcwqsxpj9ccpsfsqyc0r5z3wzcpzyq37xq3qvd3y8v43vj The official validator node from Coinage (Coinage.Media) and DAIC ( active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 9 0 | 5,000,485 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
46 | Synergy Nodes sidevaloper1qqw3wrs0zc8qyzstrvtpjrgypvxs5rc4pq0puzq8r5f358sxzyr3c6qn0pz We are operating a secure, stable Validator Node for 28 mainnet chains. We provide infrastructure support - public RPC, LCD endpoints, daily snapshots, operate multiple IBC Relayers, Blockchain Explorers, Youtube tutorials, etc. All info on our website. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 8 0 | 5,000,437 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
47 | Chainbase Staking sidevaloper1fscfn4kzpkqwpg7dr67h3zl8rphlk2z9nftleynlf9j0tvdh5k0qytpsac Chainbase staking are not just a validator provider, we are your powerful ecosystem collaborator active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 8 0 | 5,000,308 SIDE | 0 | 167 | - |
48 | Moonlet sidevaloper1qqdpy8gdr58qv9cdzcys2zgyzqzqwxcdzvtsxqsaqvqsvysqryd3cq269qx We operate nodes for next-generation blockchain networks and we are committed to support the decentralisation movement forward active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 7 0 | 5,000,127 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
49 | CroutonDigital sidevaloper1qq0q6pgapsfqv9gmrurp2zqxps2psqcrz50qj8gxrcfszqszz583u0aamdl Your everyday crypto partner active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 7 0 | 5,000,083 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
50 | [NODERS] sidevaloper1qqfquysyqstp5qq8rsfqypgxq5zs7pc2r5tsv8cezc93gycrpywp22zkf48 Professional blockchain validator and web3 developer team active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 5 0 | 5,000,008 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
51 | sidevaloper1qqpsqxqep5t3vxcrryg328c0zgdqzzsgqqpsxyckzcysspcyzqxpkgvlts4 Top performance and Top rewards. Professional Web3 validation and development. Running validators on Solana, Sui, Near and more... active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 4 0 | 5,000,003 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
52 | Cosmic Validator sidevaloper1qqdssrc7pu0q6rgczggskqqdpqq3zqqmzsq329cwzsqsq9sepqgqsv5ujv3 OG #Cosmos validator and supporting since 2017⚛️. 📽Check our bi-weekly Cosmos ecosystem news videos: active treasury choice never slashed fee changed | 10% | 4 0 | 5,000,003 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
53 | Bro_n_Bro sidevaloper1qqdsj9slpczpyqqjzyd3vrsqpsrpw8gpqcyqxqqxqgwssyq2ry0qv7xhdmz We are a community-driven bare-metal operated validator and interchain relayer fighting for transparency and decentralization on the Great Web. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 73 1 | 4,587,213 SIDE | 2 | 23 | - |
54 | EquinoxDao sidevaloper1qqyq59sqpc83krcdzggqzrquzu8qkzgtqc8p5rg2rczpgzqjry9sgm9pxae Cosmos Side Equinox active treasury choice unbondings | 5% | 98 0 | 4,510,873 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
55 | Conqueror sidevaloper1sn80nfn4defkmt0hsppz45tkeyph95y4q224tg5paeql86mwa58sj9z2w6 Stake with me active treasury choice never slashed | 7% | 4 0 | 4,069,709 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
56 | KonsorTech sidevaloper1qqw3qpcnzqtqz8q5zsdqu8cdzsv3kzc3qupq59c8qqgss9s2zuqqsssuu95 Stake With Us ! Become Professional Stake Provider active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 3 0 | 4,068,200 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
57 | Noderunners sidevaloper1qq23srsvqsxsu9q3qvxszqgfpyp3u9ghzvxps8sap5r3xpcwz5p3sfe0ssg Noderunners is a professional validator in POS networks. Experience, reliability, low commissions, and full support for delegators. Stake with us and start receiving your Side rewards now! active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 4,067,620 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
58 | Cypher Core sidevaloper1qq2pqqgupvwss8qkpu2sxzcgqs9sqpcfrcqsuyserqyqurszrufpjgn8xwj We are devoted to bringing financial freedom to everyone. For questions contact active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 2 0 | 4,064,521 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
59 | StakeTown sidevaloper1qqzssxsaryf3grghrqfsgys9qsx3krsypg0qyxgvrug37rqaqyxq7mlrqad StakeTown is a non-custodial proof-of-stake validator, dedicated to validating transactions and securing blockchains with focus on Cosmos universe. active treasury choice never slashed fee changed | 8% | 2 0 | 4,061,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
60 | ValidatorVN sidevaloper1qq9pyxq5pcrq7zs4pc2pwxq6qsxpxqg6qudsx8cspsxsqzqkqqxsw22qjpj Trusted Proof-of-Stake validator & IBC relayer. Slash protected. active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 2 1 | 4,020,048 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
61 | PandaTeam sidevaloper1qqfsq9ccqypp6rg7qc0sxqchr5tpc8cgpszqxzc3ryf37xsxruzqgtfcj53 Blockchain enthusiast providing Validator, IBC Relayer and Block Explorers to various CosmosSDK blockchains.Delegate your tokens and Start Earning Staking Rewards unbonding jailed validator treasury choice slashes (1) | 5% | 2 0 | 4,001,381 SIDE | 0 | -40,020 | - |
61 | 🔥STAVR🔥 sidevaloper1qqpqjxgmqs837ygep5fqjxsnpyxq79s2zuxsv8sczc93cqsapyw3vude46h A team of professional and reliable validators. Safety first.Stake with us and profit with the mark of quality. Monitoring 24-7 active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 2 0 | 4,000,611 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
62 | Lefey sidevaloper1n4skg83zq92tsa5cnsx737efcnme05zmtzjnkfjq939sc75yy7tq8vdeer Independent validator active treasury choice unbondings | 5% | 2 0 | 4,000,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
63 | NodeX Emperor sidevaloper1qqpqzpqfz50pwqckzc9qqxqsrv83cpqczytpvrgeqcrpurg6pqy3wsljq6m NodeX Emperor is your reliable Proof-of-Stake validator in the Cosmos universe. active treasury choice slashes (1) | 5% | 2 0 | 4,000,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
64 | jayjay sidevaloper1qqz3yysfrg0sxzghpgp3kqqdqgrpg8ssq5ysjxsgqqd359qxrgvqjkl78ad community driven validator active treasury choice slashes (1) | 5% | 2 0 | 4,000,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
65 | StakerHouse sidevaloper1qq8suzcmzvdsg9cwpg0syxs3qgfp79ssrgr3grqgq5rqy9chz5x3ulq790l Your Home of Non-Custodial Staking 🔐 Auto-restaking 💰 100% Refund for downtime slash 🔄 Delegate to StakerHouse to earn Extra Rewards 🛡️ active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 4 0 | 2,560,145 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
66 | Reveleum sidevaloper1qq2qz8shpuzsy8szqvxs2ys4q5r32rqcrgdpyygypu8q6yqapqv3kccj2t2 Responsible validator | Monitoring 24/7 ✅ | twitter active treasury choice unbondings | 5% | 2 0 | 2,556,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
67 | BlueStake 🚀 | 100% insurance sidevaloper1qqg3zrcar5gq5pgdqgx3g9qvzvzq79stry0p5xgsrqfpjycrpy2p5wtc9nv 100% refund on downtime slashing ✅ Enterprise-grade validator. Highly secure and reliable infrastructure, distributed across various datacenters and monitored 24/7. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 7 0 | 2,553,538 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
68 | Vnode_casH sidevaloper1qqwq68snzcvpz8gnpydpjxgtrqdpkrspzyq3x8svzczq5rq5qu9p720g9ug 24/7 management and monitoring! active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 2,501,307 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
69 | FairStaking sidevaloper1qq2pv9scr5ys7zs5qv2qxyghqqgpwpshr5qpwrqhrgrsx8g4zqpssdmcqx8 FairStaking is professional validator team active treasury choice unbondings | 5% | 2 0 | 2,500,501 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
70 | Mandragora sidevaloper1qqgqj9capcpskqq7zqtpjyqqzv8p2xq0rg83jps9qcxpxygnrvpqkn7hrju Professional and reliable staking service provider since 2018. We provide infrastructure, technical support and meaningful contributions in projects we are involved in. Core contributors in disruptive and novel projects like Namada. Backers of Undexer and Shielded Live explorer. active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 4 0 | 2,500,301 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
71 | Coinstamp sidevaloper1qqpswxc2qcf3v8chzgy3vxcxz5psx9gaps0syycwps8pv9qhzyd3yc6hwet Professional POS Validator services,Stake with Us Low Commission active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 3 0 | 2,500,118 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
72 | CoinHunters sidevaloper1j8xwxr8gvjj5mgvfm9hhchc4h8xav7adwl7ywcaashhdq633saaq38eqpz Validator Service & Crypto Community & Startup Booster active treasury choice unbondings | 10% | 2 0 | 2,500,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
73 | Atlas Staking (Autocompound Rewards) sidevaloper1erjr6whywzpnqk0zfqf2l8m0tdqe707tu4pr80 Atlas Staking: Where Your Crypto Works As Hard As You Do -- Autocompound your rewards using REStake: active treasury choice never slashed moniker changed | 5% | 4 1 | 2,026,783 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
74 | offline sidevaloper1qqxqsrg8rur3vxqrqyqpqxgsq50sv8s8zq0qjpscqg8pxzsjzc9s5svlwe7 Chainbase staking are not just a validator provider, we are your powerful ecosystem collaborator unbonding jailed validator treasury choice slashes (1) max fee risk | 5% | 9 1 | 2,002,073 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
74 | Quasar 🤖🧬🧠 sidevaloper1l8mn8lg2km09x7274lqyx9640rxpew7lt6ycag0g7ply86z2mrjscv3fv2 Quasar is the first AI Validator with the fastest responses and the highest uptime. Our neuroworker active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 24 0 | 1,066,974 SIDE | 0 | 442 | - |
75 | kakarot89 sidevaloper1qqwpuzckqu9sv8cwruzsxrczzs9s5xc0qu0q2qcsqc2p2yqrzytpck96892 active treasury choice unbondings | 10% | 2 0 | 1,022,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
76 | kubenode sidevaloper1qq9pxyckqsd3czshzug3y8sgrydqxrc8pc0sgxg5zsg3xqg9pq9sxf6xfqm Highly available validators on Kubernetes. Driven by a strong community. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 4 0 | 1,017,104 SIDE | 0 | 1,091 | - |
77 | BlockPro sidevaloper1qqzpzpqaqcxswyswqyxqq9c0r5x3zrg6zugqsqqppg9qzpqtqq036hjqszu Reliable nodes, reliable staking - we're your trusted Proof of Stake validator active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 5 0 | 1,015,185 SIDE | 25 | 182 | - |
78 | LiveRaveN sidevaloper1qqgsuzqarqqsx8s3z5p3zpcqrgwscxslqu8pcpqcqc03spgprypswjr3yk7 You'll Never Stake Alone. Discord: liver23 active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 1,012,905 SIDE | 25 | 181 | - |
79 | Lapatylin sidevaloper1qqxs2qcpzyzpj9svqswqwyc3zqwquxq9pqy3crshz52q5ycspqxqsf83gx2 | | Independent individual Validator. Monitoring 💬 24/7 active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 2 0 | 1,011,048 SIDE | 51 | 319 | - |
80 | cyberG sidevaloper1qqd3xpcyqs2pgpsmrugpxpgupy0qc8qapgdpxygepyxs79gczutqcl6tl7x Stake and Research active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 1,010,002 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
81 | STANV sidevaloper1qqgqwrqxzyrq7zcpzszq6qq2zurqxxsrzy9s69gxrut3yyg5zgp36wf7th3 S.T.A.N.V active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 1,010,000 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
82 | Nodes Hub 🛡️ 100% Slash Protected 🛡️ sidevaloper1qq8ss8gcryrpk8snq5fswygmrvfpwpg8pu83v9q5rszps9gvpuwswhwtrhe Empowering Decentralization, Ensuring Security active treasury choice never slashed fee changed | 10% | 4 0 | 1,009,652 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
83 | VALIDARIOS sidevaloper1qqv378qgzg2359cfrudqwpsfp59sxxgjzu8pvxqgrcd3srg8qsfs76ps67z You'll Never Walk Alone active treasury choice never slashed fee changed | 10% | 3 0 | 1,009,442 SIDE | 0 | 131 | - |
84 | StakeUp sidevaloper1qq93qzgtzvwscqg9rsxs5qqcry2swzqjzcppk9s4pcvpwxsaqczqkvn82h5 Non-custodial staking provider. High service, good support. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 1 | 1,005,895 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
85 | Genznodes sidevaloper1kvz54ltrxlpc74j44q7f4ha5xwkuv6ux4pmelqnwd7jrdv58rtrqwhzzu7 Committed to helping build a more inclusive and decentralized Web3 ecosystem. active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 1,005,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
86 | Apollo sidevaloper1qqqp5qg9rs932rcwqcx3yxchzc9q6yq9qq23czqkzqwqgrg0zursk3x8s7w Blockchain enthusiast and independent validator active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 3 0 | 1,004,266 SIDE | 58 | 194 | - |
87 | CryptoSJnet sidevaloper1thsxgmnl2622z5vkmq7ym2cj90rdnp4qnu7qr3eu8mdztq4t9a7sgnretf High Availability, Secure, Low Fees Non-Custodial Service active treasury choice never slashed | 5% | 3 1 | 1,000,549 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
88 | PandaTeam sidevaloper1qqzs2ygyrypsq9qfqc2p78gqrszqqpsxpvr3zzs4qgqqyrcwqypqz4vl9tj Blockchain enthusiast providing Validator, IBC Relayer and Block Explorers to various CosmosSDK blockchains.Delegate your tokens and Start Earning Staking Rewards active never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 2 0 | 40,021 SIDE | 0 | - | - |
89 | AlxVoy ⚡ ANODE.TEAM sidevaloper1qqrsgpgsr5qq2qcwzggpupcyzu03wrcsrvypyyq2qcqqvpg6zgfpqxwu7cf The AlxVoy Validator Team active never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 1 0 | 14,952 SIDE | 0 | - | - |
90 | BrightHorizon sidevaloper1qqgqwygupsvp59spq5yqzxc3zgq3s8qaqgv379q8zu8ps9qvzgz3gwfh4ay the best validator unbonding jailed validator slashes (3) | 10% | 1 0 | 7,002 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
90 | BonyNode💚 sidevaloper12qkg98nk38q5zqzafej68xajdpw6hv5vd0jr8ldqr53ygykec3rqswss0d 24/7 management and monitoring! active never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 1,611 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
91 | swissstar sidevaloper1qqx3k9cqruts7yskzc8pxqq8pcqqjzc0zuyqupstzyrpjqqezur3s32hc54 Swiss quality, discord: amarkelov#3061 active never slashed | 10% | 1 0 | 1,002 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
92 | 👋 79anvi 🍀 sidevaloper1qqts6zgtqct3zygdrcgpqycwqcppwyqgqgwqj9sgzutqxzqlqgqp2uyvl05 kind validator unbonding jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 1 0 | 1,001 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
92 | LuckyStar sidevaloper14x3m635l7cvpv5snrc7ul4lddeydnqdhcc8jfhu8fq37s979zlls6zxsks active never slashed | 10% | 2 0 | 902 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
93 | NodeSafe sidevaloper1lrnfcp0pcyf8n0qessznjsdkw88mw8s655v92w8s0vrf27tukufqnmfaf4 Safe your node'stake❤️ active never slashed | 10% | 1 0 | 595 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
94 | Malder sidevaloper13a45yhzzvfdfvc5nj38heprr0vcw64gf3hja0ng8ddl70hx4j0ksgp44xv In blocks we trust active never slashed fee changed | 5% | 4 0 | 564 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
95 | sidevaloper1qq0pzqssq5d3qxgyzc9sc9qgrugsypg2rsy3g8glqcppx9q5zcyqxuwsd69 we take and do active unbondings | 5% | 1 0 | 102 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
96 | xx sidevaloper14grzvsazghk8nxjwcr4t20qyadce5nf9wjxmzd xx unbonding jailed validator slashes (1) moniker changed | 5% | 2 0 | 100 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
96 | Validator247 sidevaloper1qqxsw9cgzqwsuzqvry0p5zc3psy3x8cczyt358sqrgv3wzqtpv9qyux38xx Specializing in operating nodes and validators on EVM and Cosmos ecosystems with Proof-of-Stake active never slashed | 10% | 2 0 | 100 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
97 | ANTPOOL sidevaloper1qqwpupghqsxs79cvrczsvqglqugsz8qhrydsgqqlpc2sqqsyzyy3ja3pk9e Established in 2014, we are one of the largest PoW mining pools committed to serving global customers. unbonded jailed validator treasury choice slashes (1) | 5% | 3 0 | 66 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
97 | MaxFoton nodes sidevaloper1qq9psxc7qq23wpszquw3jygxpqfqcqsfryzpvxcuzqz368skzqyqc9g8yjc You are welcome active unbondings | 5% | 1 0 | 64 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
98 | InfraSingularity sidevaloper1gva0cu4sfz9wr78k9nq2qvs5dzkp74z8mssw2v InfraSingularity aims to radically transform the Web3 ecosystem by pioneering as an investor, and builder of institutional staking platform. active never slashed | 5% | 2 0 | 51 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
99 | Aurie sidevaloper1qqtp6qcgzsfsyxchpuxpc8c4qv9supseqvxp6rqqzvdsgzqurydpkzxklh9 active never slashed max fee risk | 5% | 1 0 | 11 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
100 | AKNodes sidevaloper1ezs47raxaapyg9ljg7la0x0nug2gvvqgxarc5p At AKNodes, we are more than just a PoS validator, we are your trusted partner in navigating the exciting world of Proof-of-Stake blockchain networks unbonding unbondings | 5% | 1 0 | 1 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
100 | BlockNth sidevaloper1yezttrzdh00zmtzzfau9vuy360hxkjnl3gfxw2jzfqz67d8t8myq79pv5g we provide professional validator services, create impactful content, and develop tools to advance the ecosystem unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) max fee risk | 5% | 1 0 | 1 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
100 | casual1st sidevaloper10sa4yry6f3ksj9usulc0u82ftpjr8a3udfnv58d0mmw3hsg3u0mskqw244 network power supreme unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 5% | 1 0 | 1 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
100 | Doug sidevaloper1qqzq59c8qvxs6ygvrszsw9qgzu23kps3qyvp7pgszc9s5rg7p59sc0zznku unbonding jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 1 0 | 1 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
100 | P2Pnodetop sidevaloper1qqzpspsszgtqx9c0z59pzxc8zvdquzgqqsvquzqdqufszyqcq5fq2tgfx3h I'm professional validator DPoS from VN unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 1 0 | 1 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
100 | Blackhox sidevaloper1qq9qkyspr523zxqrps83s8sdqctpsxggp5fqqxckr52qyzgzpsvq7anu89k A Professional Validator Blockchain Networks active unbondings | 10% | 1 0 | 1 SIDE | 0 | 0 | - |
Sidechain delegators
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