Panacea validators
# | Validator | Fee | Stakers | Total staked | 24h change | 7d change | 30d change |
1 | NG Validator panaceavaloper16e4zkqtp7k5h43qrcxwk0spmamq3k286t4dz7t Nightingale validator node. Delegate your tokens and Start Earning Staking Rewards active treasury choice never slashed | 3% | 600 28 | 469,886,106 MED | -612,720 | -25,926,849 | 30,409,190 |
2 | panaceavaloper1y2556eud32xkpl6pnkq23r2wqd5flz26tpy8y3 100% refund on downtime slashing -- Professional Delegated Proof-of-Stake Network Validator active treasury choice never slashed | 3% | 233 4 | 227,165,252 MED | 18,716 | 1,015,880 | 18,321,351 |
3 | Beehive panaceavaloper1tppl0m9tqpy04vdmhxk7gya90zfftj94vkyn2t We are a team that specializes in blockchain stake service and research. Join our community! active treasury choice unbondings moniker changed | 3% | 1104 4 | 219,240,853 MED | 87,756 | 1,031,579 | 3,280,406 |
4 | Active Nodes panaceavaloper18ucrwuvzgzmh9dlurmeq5c4hljdgnkp2fwmkcm We Skyrocket your Stake! Highly Available Enterprise Infrastructure with multiple nodes around the world active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 3% | 115 3 | 208,356,095 MED | 38,335 | -18,036,286 | -2,624,099 |
5 | MediBloc-Limited panaceavaloper1ewugvs354xput6xydl5cd5tvkzcuymke4mkw20 MediBloc-Limited Validator active treasury choice never slashed moniker changed | 10% | 155 1 | 184,711,915 MED | 25,226 | 1,077,859 | 2,844,801 |
6 | Cosmostation panaceavaloper1rr89tj2jjlmf6xvc4a9plp4fll225ugqtk73r9 Cosmostation validator node. Delegate your tokens and Start Earning Staking Rewards active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk | 10% | 683 14 | 125,130,391 MED | 193,694 | 593,029 | 7,374,866 |
7 | Pixel Finance panaceavaloper12xzqggqy3y5avjkc30q2m7eay8vrzl795dp29d Korea Crypto Investment Company. Secure and reliable DPoS node operator. active treasury choice never slashed moniker changed max fee risk | 3% | 57 1 | 82,883,386 MED | 0 | 700,410 | 1,233,625 |
8 | Exostake panaceavaloper1gjffydz4l7nsxalxlr460l04de9v99nkvztxgk active never slashed moniker changed | 10% | 8 0 | 81,575,112 MED | 67,600 | 448,700 | 1,873,400 |
9 | BaseBlock panaceavaloper1gq3v7dwapal2uxzfkjusm2rk00sqkrz3r4a5w6 BaseBlock Validator Node active never slashed | 3% | 19 0 | 76,981,354 MED | 0 | 55 | 101,308 |
10 | Dr.palette panaceavaloper13wsmw5axtzu3mkhlalkxy9elvq6sxy984v6cf6 Dr.palette Validator active treasury choice never slashed moniker changed | 10% | 10 0 | 51,419,241 MED | 0 | 0 | 5,260 |
11 | Informal Systems panaceavaloper1vp82lyvjln7lp785dmtrhla9ln05p497harmdj Informal Systems x Cephalopod Equipment - infrastructure for decentralized intelligence active treasury choice unbondings max fee risk | 8.11% | 7 0 | 51,261,183 MED | 0 | 0 | 10,555 |
12 | HASHED panaceavaloper1hktggfq80lvumutnxsdr7g5jqq457uezw2d0nk Hashed is the largest crypto assets fund and community builder in South Korea. The Hashed team believes that decentralization and the protocol economy is the next historically big wave of change. active treasury choice slashes (1) | 10% | 29 1 | 35,437,225 MED | 0 | -706,578 | 547,240 |
13 | Medipass panaceavaloper1uxnl2e2d7cwuwh5fwysmhscmwvakhefd3myx43 Medipass Validator active treasury choice never slashed moniker changed | 10% | 26 0 | 27,997,487 MED | 0 | 0 | 171,594 |
14 | a41 panaceavaloper1peaw8ez02szsqhc3pf2xsfdfnqd6t2mhk44un4 a41 ventures - active treasury choice unbondings | 10% | 5 0 | 20,000,217 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
15 | Mblock panaceavaloper1x3q6mzpfx2gc3czppkh9hfeduqrtnfj5yuzzer Mblock is a digital asset, NFT, and blockchain comprehensive service company of Maekyung Media Group. active treasury choice slashes (2) max fee risk no staking reward | 100% | 22 1 | 15,595,783 MED | 0 | 6,870 | 4,758 |
16 | DELIGHT panaceavaloper1wuxlx59eupsvxtjy36eua0z8p70g5exjdxt8dj Support MediBloc and earn rewards by delegating to the DELIGHT validator. active treasury choice never slashed | 10% | 8 0 | 12,132,681 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
17 | Staketab panaceavaloper1h2k9m0s5qwpnxrwumscn0hs3jmvhxhy2ud5ywv Staking Provider. Secure and non-custodial staking. active treasury choice slashes (1) | 7% | 9 0 | 10,950,549 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
18 | Noderunners panaceavaloper1qzdljq35sda42cwmh4e83r8vn6mgae9v68mqma Noderunners is a professional validator in POS networks. We have a huge node running experience, reliable soft and hardware. Our commissions are always low, our support to delegators is always full. Stake with us and start receiving your Medibloc rewards now! active treasury choice slashes (2) | 7% | 18 0 | 10,658,285 MED | 0 | 0 | 47 |
19 | brightlystake panaceavaloper1w3ze2ulad0jq7zcps7kdwsadhlh9mc27nqt8du Medibloc node from active treasury choice unbondings | 7% | 21 0 | 10,352,539 MED | 0 | 2,947 | 14,228 |
20 | DW Validator panaceavaloper1x8g0ayf054925syclla63vaq9mmxqwsqlxg7wd Daewoong Pharmaceutical is a leading company in the global healthcare industry. active treasury choice slashes (4) max fee risk no staking reward | 100% | 5 0 | 10,001,150 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
21 | DPLANEX panaceavaloper1pn2j7tevm3j9ns90jz43y9vfvtu246dvuhfk9y Dplanex brings together the expertise from insurance, finance, retail bookstores, and commerce to reach the new digital horizon by fully utilizing the data from Kyobo Life Insurance Group. active treasury choice never slashed max fee risk no staking reward | 100% | 4 0 | 10,000,236 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
22 | Bi23 Labs panaceavaloper1zznqpzqcj8sdfs47s4dqv2g3xwfv3hftuynjfq PoS validators. Co-builder of active treasury choice slashes (2) fee changed moniker changed max fee risk | 10% | 17 0 | 7,874,670 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
23 | BlockBlimp panaceavaloper15yxs9a5ffthahvkaaxwdkrthr8vy53ngafccu0 active never slashed max fee risk no staking reward | 100% | 1 0 | 5,582,500 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
24 | Satya panaceavaloper1jnrllwcx5vmlh6m0mycgsawzwxe8zxzszm00al Satya Validator Node active slashes (4) | 3% | 7 0 | 4,026,431 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
25 | Oldcat panaceavaloper1tk63f4uuvne57eay6dlndt6v8skpuvncjpgpau A professional validator devoted to the Cosmos Ecosystem. A cat living in HK. Want HK to be a free place forever. active unbondings max fee risk | 3% | 168 1 | 3,770,601 MED | 63 | 24,774 | 58,345 |
26 | | Auto-compound panaceavaloper1dw3ev60v44q68qrrsz8lmwrx68f70hyrr5w5l6 🚀 Professional Cosmos Validator & Engineer 🔁Auto-compound with REStakeapp 🛡Slash insurance 🎁 All Airdrops for delegators 🔗 Twitter, Telegram and Youtube | active never slashed | 5% | 58 0 | 3,104,947 MED | 6,657 | 278,613 | 307,293 |
27 | BlueStake 🚀 | 100% insurance panaceavaloper13npeg0lqkrntrnaulm6al6clkpm45hnqpt359v 100% refund on downtime slashing ✅ Highly secure and reliable infrastructure, distributed across various datacenters and operated by a team of DevOps engineers. active never slashed max fee risk | 3% | 68 0 | 2,494,750 MED | 319 | 5,232 | 210,310 |
28 | | Stake for Airdrop panaceavaloper168nzml66rvh8ay93j63jptn6l9yqnk7k8r5fgd Increase your staking rewards and earn extra $ATOM with our IBEX program. active never slashed moniker changed | 5% | 21 1 | 1,376,081 MED | 619 | 154,384 | 562,441 |
29 | StakeLab panaceavaloper1tfu4t4c0pywlh8d2g2u3d5xnsxdec8x5hacum5 Grow your assets - Staking & Relaying Hub for Cosmos ecosystem active unbondings | 3% | 88 0 | 671,563 MED | 0 | 580 | 1,356 |
30 | MatanVerse [Official] panaceavaloper1hlpw58lg9fvwvwa3ryzgjqyw39tf2nmns4r0z5 Blockain and Cryptocurency Investors paving the way for a secure and profitable future. active never slashed | 10% | 4 0 | 443,030 MED | 0 | 0 | 3,000 |
31 | Please redelegate panaceavaloper190njxj69lmwdwjhhp0fw5kqsxsu6g876hzgp6z We are going to shutdown this validator please redelegate unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) fee changed moniker changed | 5% | 130 1 | 341,556 MED | 0 | -85 | -2,672 |
31 | soon to be retired: MediBloc-Limited-10 panaceavaloper1z95sfnpmn08fc4tzy945nw8f49kctmnfmc2rrl MediBloc Limited Validator 10 unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 11 0 | 293,532 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
31 | ChainTools panaceavaloper1567xwcxjjfdje4q8r4d76ek52xmsspr4t4fc89 STAKE | LEARN | EARN | Delegate to our validators and dive into blockchain technology with us. active never slashed | 5% | 15 1 | 253,842 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
32 | Consensus One panaceavaloper182lrr79h0rymp8va4jk84j26zg2ldq2h93ndup Delegate to Consensus One to help secure, support and shape MEDIBLOC. Secure and highly available, 24/7/365. By delegating, you agree to our terms of service. active unbondings | 5% | 15 0 | 248,065 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
33 | La Vie en Rose Validator panaceavaloper1vtal3g4865ts3v747hq7qsvka2l7wpgan67n2j La Vie en Rose validator node. Delegate your tokens and Steak and get your reward active slashes (3) fee changed | 5% | 9 1 | 164,185 MED | 136 | -86,702 | -79,268 |
34 | Redelegate please panaceavaloper1uhys9exeruta5nexhgcq3kc8auvc0gs0zl0vyc Shutting down, please REDELEGATE active never slashed moniker changed | 3% | 5 1 | 58,873 MED | 76 | 527 | -6,308 |
35 | Snow Fall panaceavaloper1478a85ucgvuvdj3cgrp5yr9uae8wyhjw630hmw Snow Fall Validator active slashes (4) fee changed moniker changed | 5% | 5 0 | 56,044 MED | 79 | 543 | 2,362 |
36 | Enterprise Blockchain panaceavaloper17n5ez95djpxkv7n8zvnj2sqa6ujhes8df22v9j Our mission is to assetize everyone's talents to connect more possibilities and create unprecedented value. unbonded jailed validator slashes (8) max fee risk no staking reward | 100% | 11 0 | 51,301 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
36 | HD Validator panaceavaloper13haaxajjrq0mm75acl7qnyhptw3v94rwxpcf57 Handok provides total healthcare products and services and makes endless effort to contribute to the human health promotion. unbonded jailed validator slashes (4) max fee risk | 6% | 6 0 | 44,692 MED | 0 | 0 | -60,368,648 |
36 | soon to be retired: MediBloc-Limited-7 panaceavaloper1qsnlenyr9fwxst9k5pdvdn4jgh9wqvl9pjarax MediBloc Limited Validator 7 unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 17 0 | 36,986 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
36 | BlockHunters 🎯 panaceavaloper1symf474wnypes2d3mecllqk6l26rwz8mxtg7h7 Hunt for the best stake. 🏹 unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 4.78% | 5 0 | 29,296 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
36 | SK Validator panaceavaloper1fkx5djj4s32d0dsnjtpevtjcxrx9uxlrz06kn4 SK Validator. South Korea's #1 trusted validator. unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 3% | 16 0 | 23,190 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
36 | [SHUTTING DOWN] panaceavaloper1z58ct5v4k7rwt959y0k3z7wgzlrv2n2ppkqndy Validators of today, Auditors of tomorrow unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) moniker changed | 7% | 16 0 | 19,870 MED | 0 | 0 | -807 |
36 | retired panaceavaloper1rrt26xk5m6zqkgsu8grkwwenq2d33nw4qxt6xp unbonded jailed validator slashes (3) moniker changed max fee risk | 3% | 5 0 | 16,736 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
36 | Arcturian Tech panaceavaloper1h5tjpu4jmw6qehlme6he3zylct5uu7knp0ydcs Working for the Universe active slashes (3) fee changed | 10% | 7 0 | 16,150 MED | 0 | 728 | 932 |
37 | EthicalNode panaceavaloper1alhet0sk482nej2463zjv3uhn9ngt72yjznrx0 unbonded jailed validator slashes (2) fee changed | 10% | 7 0 | 14,142 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
37 | Ŀavender.Five Nodes 🐝 panaceavaloper140l6y2gp3gxvay6qtn70re7z2s0gn57zx50zpu Lavender.Five Nodes is committed to providing world class validator services to make your life easy, including 100% slash protection. Come say hi! unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 5% | 7 0 | 11,732 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
37 | Crypto Lion 🦁 panaceavaloper1yr03eaz9ejndc4rt9244m6kcuva3ahfdkca377 Follow Us from Twitter or Telegram via: @CryptoLionVal unbonded jailed validator slashes (3) moniker changed | 3% | 10 0 | 7,814 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
37 | SmartNodes panaceavaloper1dq2ygt3ck7j9lf8ynq7562gx9nf5xtyzdkl6kc Earn Rewards with Crypto Staking & Node Deployment unbonded jailed validator slashes (7) | 5% | 36 0 | 5,351 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
37 | Kitkat panaceavaloper16skc3tl84vgncnh2d26gj880apjty0yqy5l0jl KitKat provides maximum uptime for the Medibloc network so that you can be confident that your node will be there, ready and secure, for optimal reward generation. 🛡️SAFE | 👩💻High-End Infrastructure | 🔗 100% refund on slashing | ⚡️Airdrop Benefits. unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) max fee risk | 5% | 2 0 | 5,144 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
37 | Blockval | Restake panaceavaloper1j6d5v4p9ra2jteu45wwfe8ptn79gqrnqkk3hww Validator run by crypto enthusiasts. Check our website or join our telegram channel active never slashed | 3% | 5 0 | 4,582 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
38 | 🚀 WHEN MOON 🌕 WHEN LAMBO 🔥 RESTAKE ✅ panaceavaloper1mkswpt0kxtpm9yx4m5zed2ppakv3tfzghgh4u3 🚀 WHEN MOON 🌕 WHEN LAMBO 🔥 Elite Validator: Explorer, HA, Horcrux, Auto-Stake, Reliable Relayer, Cosmovisor, Hourly Snapshots, Docker/Bare Metal, Discord Support | Maximize Rewards! Visit: active never slashed | 5% | 3 0 | 2,856 MED | 6 | 29 | 95 |
39 | soon to be retired: MediBloc-Limited-2 panaceavaloper1q6ky9342vx2hhqed8kxjlexapg8qj0d6yw5mcj MediBloc Limited Validator 2 unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 2 0 | 2,271 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
39 | SkySkipper panaceavaloper194jjkl96xj8tmnys7g5d5l2krv57hx68577hks Let's stake together! unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) | 10% | 2 0 | 1,777 MED | 0 | 0 | 0 |
39 | Earn Network panaceavaloper1q0wsgzm8zufakgtef82dcagxnmxpx2g2k58fu6 unbonded jailed validator slashes (1) moniker changed | 3% | 3 0 | 1,593 MED | -56,132 | -56,132 | -56,132 |
39 | soon to be retired: MediBloc-Limited-11 panaceavaloper1mx2uwae |